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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dream: Hungry Lions

Hungry Lions by Artful Alchemist on Polyvore

Dream: 1/18/2011
Hungry Lions

I am exploring ancient grounds – an abandoned estate of some kind. It is not in ruins, but is overgrown and neglected as well as deserted. I discover there are feeding stations in some locations. There are monkeys and there are lions. I go to one feeding station near the front of the house (it looks a bit like a metal water pump). I can read a label on it that indicates it’s for the lions. I give it a pump, out of curiosity, and a few old cheese puffs come out. The monkeys stay back and a lion comes and sniffs at the cheese puffs. I feel sad for the lions – they can’t eat food like this. It reminds me of a zoo where people come to gawk and make caged pets of these glorious animals. I’m a bit frightened to be so close to the lions, but feel it is up to me to feed them.

To me, the message of this dream is so clear. The monkeys are the monkey-mind - all that chatter, inner critic, false beliefs, distractions. It is clear that I'm not to feed them. (In waking life, I feed them all too often.) The lions represent my authentic inner power (connections to the goddess Sekhmet and also to the Alsan Christ-consciousness figure from the Narnia tales). They are hungry. It's my job to feed them. And cheetos (my ultimate junk food!) are not going to cut it. My inner lioness needs real meat, something to sink her teeth into, something that will sustain her. It's my job to find what that is and provide it. It IS frightening to think of really owning my inner power. Yet in the dream, I seem determined despite my fear. That's what the dream is asking of me in waking life - to brave up and feed my inner power what it needs.

What inner power do you choose to feed? And how do you tame the monkey-mind?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dream: Vacationing on the Moon

Dream 1/1/2011
Vacationing on the Moon

I have taken a trip to the moon. It is like a vacation adventure. Not unheard of or entirely unusual, but a first for me. It is exciting and filled with beauty and the unexpected. For one, I can see all the planets of our solar system strung out like a ribbon along the horizon, looking much like I recall from science books. Logically, I know they wouldn't look like this or be aligned so, but at the same time I feel a rush of excitement, as if I've made a new discovery. It is so breathtakingly beautiful. The ground is covered with a cold, frosty substance that kicks up like snow with every step. I feel at once alien and totally at home. Completely out of my element, a pioneer, an adventurer. I revel in the wonder and excitement of it all.
As the first dream of the year, for me this portends a year of exploration beyond the boundaries of my current experience. The planets have aligned to support my new endeavors. Things that I thought I knew and understood come together in a different way. As I created the art for this dream, a companion (someone I was only vaguely aware of in the dream) emerged more solidly. I think this represents a guide who will accompany and support me on this exciting adventure.

What have YOU been dreaming about as this new year begins? Post your dream stories here.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Visioning® for 2011

I finally got around to doing my Visioning® collage for 2011. This only after a friend of mine expressed an interest in doing some collage work which prompted me to invite her over for an afternoon. I facilitate this work for others ALL THE TIME, yet never seem to find the time to do my own! So I was glad for the nudge from my friend, otherwise I would not have made time for it.

As I glued everything down, there was a blank space and it didn't feel quite finished. That prompted me to jump on to Polyvore and try to create the image I held in my mind's eye for Source-ress (my energetic name for this year) and it fit the leftover space perfectly.

I'm tickled with the images and phrases that came to me. "To start living your best life, Tap Here" followed by a heart ;-) EFT, but also the idea of tapping into heart energy as the source of action (as opposed to always coming from the head). Another series of phrases reinforces that idea: "Grow your mind / and heart / there's an art to this kind of balance."

Love the image of the crayons, which clearly represent my need for playful artistic creativity. And REALLY loved THESE PARTICULAR crayons, because each one is carved into the shape of an animal, which for me ties right into the shamanic path.

The little green onion riding the orange-wheel bicycle just called to me - love the sense of whimsy, humor and eccentricity AND he also ties into my intention for eating fresher, simpler, more down-to-earth foods this year.

I'm intrigued by the number of references to teams, the many, connections and collections as I tend to be a very solo-preneur kind of gal - always trying to do everything myself. Sooooo, looks like this is the year to break down and get some HELP!

Well, the Mission Statement right up top does say RETHINK EVERYTHING! ;-)

My favorite phrase of all came from headline in Fast Company in an article about the blog site. I edited it only slightly, replacing "they" with "you": "Do exactly what you want. It's eccentric. It's unprofessional. And it makes money." Really speaks to the "wanna do it MY way" part of me ;-)

Anyone else create a vision board this year?